In partnership with OnlyPlanet, we bring to you the first carbon calculator optimized for India. Your carbon footprint tells you how much you contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. The first step to being climate neutral is being more climate conscious. In the next few months, we intend on joining the CoolClimate consortium, launching a calculator optimized for the entire world.
After measuring your footprint, it is crucial to reduce it. We help you find ways to offset your carbon footprint and help you make healthy changes to your life. Check out our Assets under the Sectors page and learn the do's and dont's of carbon offsets.
Execute your decisions. Take steps towards living a carbon neutral life. Purchase our monthly subscription, support our climate assets, or simply join our CZero program. Check out our solutions for more!
What We Provide
Use our Carbon footprint calculator to understand the impact of your actions on the environment. Compare your footprint with national and global averages and receive a detailed analysis.
Carbon Footprint Calculator
CZero is our novel solution to offsetting carbon: it is a deep-learning-based ad engine that leverages your time for carbon credits. The revenue generated through your experience on the platform is dedicated to ensuring your carbon is offset.
For those that do not have the time to research on how they wish to participate in the climate change movement, donate to our Climate Portfolio.
Our Climate Portfolio
Access consolidated information of existing climate efforts. Learn about the current technologies dedicated to decarbonizing the planet and find our verified organizations.
Consolidated Climate Efforts
Learn how to reduce your carbon footprint and do your part in the fight against climate change. Find ways to lead a more sustainable life and reach out to our experts for clarifications.
Ensuring feasability of carbon solutions
Phase 1
To rigorously determine the viability of carbon solutions, we have emulated Project Drawdown's research efforts. In building on their open source Python models, we have updated data and adjusted figures for inflation. Our conclusions include lifetime operation costs and net monetary benefits for implementing solutions. We have also created solutions for industrial applications, allowing our clients to determine the net CO2e output over the course of a project. You can contact us for more on this. Until our subscription is operational we have also included climate assets as a part of this phase. We are launching more going into the future.