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Bamboo Production

Join the effort to support bamboo cultivation and be part of the global quest for carbon neutrality.

In the pursuit of carbon neutrality, a distinctive yet often overlooked solution emerges - Bamboo Production. The 2023 analysis may rely on data dating back to 2014, but the essence of this solution remains robust. It centers on harnessing the remarkable capabilities of bamboo to sequester carbon, presenting a multifaceted approach that addresses the issues of reforestation and carbon emissions reduction. This report elucidates the potential, mechanics, and contributions of Bamboo Production to the collective battle against carbon emissions.

At its core, the Bamboo Production solution leverages the vast potential of bamboo to sequester carbon in various forms. It operates on the premise that the baseline for calculating increased bamboo planting rests at 33.52 million hectares. Additionally, it postulates that an additional 69.8–174.3 million hectares of degraded forest lands can be rejuvenated through bamboo cultivation. A substantial 2.03 metric tons of carbon per hectare per year can be sequestered by living biomass and long-lived bamboo products, culminating in a staggering 7.70 -- 19.60 gigatons of carbon dioxide sequestered by 2050. The financial aspect is not to be understated, as an initial investment of US$82.3 -- 206.7 billion and a lifetime operational cost of US$1.7 -- 4.3 trillion could yield a lifetime net profit ranging from US$5.2 to 13.00 trillion.

Project Drawdown's Bamboo Production solution underscores the sequestration of carbon in soils, biomass, and long-lived bamboo products, accomplished through the large-scale cultivation of bamboo on degraded lands. This cultivation replaces various other uses of degraded lands, such as grassland, cropland, and forest. Notably, this analysis focuses on the allocation of the Bamboo Production solution to degraded forestland.

Bamboo is a versatile and rapid-growing member of the grass family that thrives across a spectrum of environmental conditions. In the context of carbon sequestration, bamboo exhibits rates on par with, or even surpassing, numerous tree species. Moreover, the unique nature of bamboo obviates the need for replanting, as it sprouts through rhizomes. Remarkably, bamboo's growth can be stimulated by harvesting activities, contributing to its sustainable viability.

The utility of bamboo transcends traditional boundaries, offering more than 1,500 documented applications. These applications span building materials, paper, furniture, food, fodder, and charcoal, making bamboo an invaluable resource. Concerns related to its invasiveness are largely mitigated by the native distribution of bamboo species across Asia, Latin America, North America, and Africa. A noteworthy point is that many bamboo species neither run nor flower frequently, diminishing the likelihood of invasion.

Bamboo production stands as a unique and highly appealing method for reforestation, founded on its intrinsic merits. It represents an exceptional approach to land rejuvenation and carbon sequestration.

Historically, bamboo production adoption was estimated at 33.5 million hectares in 2018 (FAO, 2010). To assess the potential of this solution in greenhouse gas emissions reduction and carbon sequestration, an understanding of the total available land area is imperative. In order to circumvent redundancy, an integration model is employed, which allocates land area among the sector's various solutions. The model classifies global land into agro-ecological zones (AEZs), considering factors like land cover, soil quality, and slope, and then categorizes AEZs into "degraded" and "non-degraded." Solutions are allocated to AEZs based on suitability, avoiding double counting. The total land area is assumed to remain constant.

The analysis identifies 364 million hectares of degraded forestland suitable for bamboo production. Adoption scenarios are developed utilizing historic regional growth rates from FAO (2010) and projections from Song et al. (2013). These scenarios serve as the basis for evaluating the impacts of increased bamboo production adoption from 2020 to 2050.

The scenario envisions the adoption of bamboo production on 103.3 million hectares of degraded land, equivalent to 28% of the available land area. Bamboo production, a carbon sequestration powerhouse, has the capacity to sequester 2.03 metric tons of carbon per hectare per year. Importantly, this value encompasses the carbon sequestered in long-lived products derived from harvested bamboo. Given the long lifespan of bamboo plantations (75-100 years), emissions from replanting are not included in the model.

The first cost of bamboo production is estimated at US$1,190.09 per hectare based on a meta-analysis of ten data points from six sources. The net profit margin, derived from six data points across five sources, is determined to be US$932.28 per hectare per year. Furthermore, the operational cost is approximated at US$309.52 per hectare per year, based on data from nine sources. Notably, financials for the conventional practice of degraded forestland are not included, as this practice does not offer economic benefits.

The scenario anticipates a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 7.70 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent by 2050. The net first cost for implementation is projected to be US$82.3 billion, while the lifetime operational cost is estimated at US$1.7 billion. The lifetime net profit emerges as a remarkable US$5.2 trillion.

While Song et al. (2017) estimated current carbon sequestration in terrestrial bamboo biomes, our model forecasts sequestration rates in the range of 0.21–0.57 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year in 2030. However, it's important to note the dearth of reported soil sequestration rates in existing literature, which presents a key limitation. Additionally, the inclusion of a life-cycle analysis of the entire bamboo production value chain would contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the solution's potential.

Bamboo production already occupies 37 million hectares and serves as a crucial high-carbon land use. Its diverse and critical applications, coupled with its carbon sequestration capabilities, position bamboo as an exemplary multipurpose mitigation solution deserving of the attention it warrants.

Individuals can actively contribute to bamboo production by supporting initiatives and organizations engaged in large-scale bamboo cultivation. Donations, volunteering, and advocating for bamboo planting projects on degraded forest lands are potent ways for individuals to participate in this pivotal endeavor for carbon emissions reduction.

FAO. 2010. Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015: How are the world’s forests changing? Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Smith, P. D., Z. Martino, D Cai, and H Gwary. 2007. “Agriculture.” In Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change: Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, edited by Bert Metz. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.

Song, Z., Liu, H., Li, B., & Yang, X. (2013). The production of phytolith-occluded carbon in China’s forests: implications to biogeochemical carbon sequestration. Global Change Biology, 19(9), 2907–2915.

Song, Z., Liu, H., Strömberg, C. A. E., Yang, X., & Zhang, X. (2017). Phytolith carbon sequestration in global terrestrial biomes. Science of The Total Environment, 603–604, 502– 509.

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