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Land is a critical component of the climate system, actively engaged in the flows of carbon, nitrogen, water, and oxygen—essential building blocks for life. Carbon is the core of trees and grasses, mammals and birds, lichens and microbes. It’s the fundamental material of all living organisms. Plants and healthy ecosystems absorb carbon through photosynthesis and store it in biomass. In addition, soils are, in large part, organic matter—bits of once-living organisms, now decomposing—making them an enormous storehouse of carbon. As a result, land can be a powerful carbon sink, and sinks currently remove close to one-quarter of human-caused emissions from the atmosphere.

“Let nature be nature” is a powerful principle—let peatlands, grasslands, and forests continue to do what they do best in a natural state. Where ecosystems have been degraded, restoration can help them recover form and function, including absorbing and storing more carbon over time.

What and how we grow, graze, or harvest can affect our ability to store carbon in plants and soil. The integration of trees into farming through agroforestry practices is particularly powerful. Solutions that sustainably raise yields on existing farmland can also reduce the pressure to clear other areas.

Enhancing Efficiency

Here, we explore the scope of land, aquatic, and engineered sinks.


Aquatic Sinks

Oceans have absorbed at least 90 percent of the excess heat generated by recent climate changes. They also take up carbon dioxide humans generate as plants photosynthesize, animals make shells, and carbon dioxide dissolves in seawater. 

While this uptake of heat and carbon has buffered the planet from more severe climate change, oceans are paying a steep price. Water temperatures, marine heat waves, and sea levels are rising. Increased carbon dioxide makes the ocean more acidic. This makes it more difficult for shellfish to build shells and for coral to build their skeletons. Warmer temperatures result in less oxygen dissolve in the water This makes the ocean less able to support animal life, leading to lower productivity.

Protecting ecosystems—including mangroves, salt marshes, macroalgae, and seagrass meadows—supports ongoing photosynthesis and carbon storage. Because these “blue carbon” ecosystems have been lost or degraded in many places, restoration also has a vital role to play. Oceans will continue to be on the frontlines of climate change, as will people who live near them. Solutions focused on coastal and marine sinks can provide additional benefits, from storm protection to healthy fisheries.

As we look forward, human ingenuity will play an incredibly important role in the fight against climate change. It is vital for us to develop clean and effective methods to move towards a more carbon neutral world.

The Road Forward

Can human engineering play a supporting role to nature? That’s a question that grows in relevance and urgency, given the gap between where global emissions stand and where they need to be. The sheer quantity of excess greenhouse gases means natural processes can’t do it all when it comes to carbon sequestration. Select nascent technologies show some promise to supplement terrestrial, coastal, and ocean sinks.

Engineered sinks could mean a variety of technologies. Direct air capture, for example, is a means by which carbon is captured directly from the air using technology plants. However, this process is energy intensive and expensive, ranging from $600-$1000 per ton of carbon removed. While the techniques such as direct air capture can be effective, they are still too costly to implement on a mass scale. The trade-off between energy involved in a process and the resulting carbon sequestered is an important question we are looking to answer.

Biochar is a promising low-cost solution; it involves the slow baking of biomass in the absence of oxygen. This can be buried to sequester carbon and potentially enrich soil. Biochar is a carbon-rich, highly stable soil amendment produced as a by-product of pyrolysis, which generates energy from biomass in the absence of oxygen. When biomass decomposes, carbon and methane escape into the atmosphere. Biochar retains most of the carbon. If we bury it, that carbon can be held for centuries in the soil. Applying biochar to soils can reduce other soil greenhouse gas emissions. In infertile soils, biochar can reduce loss of nutrients through leaching.

Engineered Sinks


[1] IEA (2022), Direct Air Capture 2022, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0

[2] IEA (2023), Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2023, IEA, Paris, License: CC BY 4.0

[3] IPCC, 2023: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, H. Lee and J. Romero (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 1-34, doi: 10.59327/IPCC/AR6-9789291691647.001

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